EV Bracketing Take a set of images at different exposures.


The purpose is to create a High Dynamic Range (HDR) image from a set of images taken at different exposures. The script takes a number of images around the selected EV setting. So if you take 3 pictures, with EV set to center and EV Step Size=3, it will take the first picture at -1EV, the second at Center EV and the third at +1EV. You can later stitch the images together with a program like Photomatix.

Written for: Canon A640
Also works on: Other Canon AXXX (Not tested), A620 (tested), A590 (Camera settings: Menu->Review Off), A720 (tested ok). This script works well on Cannon A620, but you have to set the Script shoot delay setting to at least '4' and disable the Review function.

Parameters (Save as "EVBracket.txt" file to your /CHDK/SCRIPTS/ folder)

Select P mode on your Canon A640

  • Number of Pics (Default=3)
  • EV Step Size (1/3 EV) (Default=3)
  • Initial Delay (Sec) (Default=1)

Script Code (save as "EVBracket.bas" to your /CHDK/SCRIPTS/ folder)

rem Johan Van Barel 07-07-2007
rem EV-Bracketing for Canon A640

@title EV Bracket (Select P Mode)
@param a Number of Pics
@default a 3
@param b EV Step Size (1/3 EV)
@default b 3
@param c Initial Delay (Sec)
@default c 1

if a<2 then let a=2
if b<1 then let b=1
if c<0 then let c=0

print "Pics:"; a, "Step:"; b

sleep c*1000

click "erase"
for n=1 to (a-1)*b/2
    click "left"
next n

print "Pic 1 of", a
for s=2 to a
    for n=1 to b
        click "right"
    next n
    print "Pic", s, "of", a
next s

for n=1 to ((a-1)*b+1)/2
    click "left"
next n
click "erase"


Download and Installation

This script is freeware. Before you can install it, you need to download and install the CHDK Firmware Extension for your specific Canon camera. CHDK is freeware and can be downloaded for a broad range of Canon PowerShot and Digital Ixus cameras here. If you own a Canon A640, you can download a specific build here, which already contains all the CHDK scripts from this site, including the one mentioned above. Copy all the files in this archive to the root of your SD card. If you have problems installing CHDK, please refer to the CHDK Wiki Pages.


This software and the accompanying files are supplied "as is", without any express or implied warranty. In no event shall the author be liable for any damages whatsoever including direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, loss of business profits or special damages from the use of this software. By using this software you agree with these conditions.

Copyright © 2007 by Johan Van Barel. All Rights Reserved